Improvement Projects

Improvement Projects

 Improvement projects in the North Olmsted Wastewater Department are large-scale endeavors that provide a substantial benefit to the Treatment, Collections, Maintenance, or Pretreatment Divisions or the residents of North Olmsted, Fairview Park, or Olmsted Township serviced by the department. Improvements include:

Improvement projects in the North Olmsted Wastewater Department are large and small scale capital improvements that provide a substantial benefit to the residents of North Olmsted Fairview Park, or Olmsted Township. These projects also improve the methods or processes of the Treatment Plant, Collections System, Maintenance, or Pretreatment Divisions.

Recent Improvement Projects 2021 to 2025

  • Major flow study on the south interceptor
  • Design of a 1.5-million-gallon flow equalization for the south and west sides of North Olmsted
  • Replacement of the Lebern Lift Station force main
  • Completed smoke testing of the north and south Bretton Ridge Subdivisions
  • Renovated and improved the NOWWTP analytical laboratory
  • Rebuilt the Broxbourne Lift Station’s discharge vault.

Previous Improvement Project 2017-Current

Recent upgrades to the Wastewater Department included the purchase and pending receivership of the new Gap-Vac sewer maintenance vehicle with a hydro-excavation package, the recently completed study of the south interceptor, the redesign and expansion of the NOWWTP maintenance building, and the 2017 upgrade and rebuild of the Bradley Lift Station.

Previous Improvement Project 2016 to 2020

  • Rebuilding of the Moen Lift Station
  • Expansion of the wastewater maintenance department
  • Improvement to the Broxbourne Lift Station
  • Start of the manhole sealing and rebuilding program

Previous Improvement Project 2014-2017

During prior years, the City of North Olmsted completed a 3-year project to renovate and rebuild the North Olmsted Wastewater Treatment Plant. This upgrade, finished in 2015, included upgrades to help remove nitrogen and phosphorus, as well as improving 20 other chemical and physical parameters, thereby improving the health of the Rocky River and Lake Erie.

Other projects completed in this time period included, several upgrades to the Broxbourne Lift station and a complete rebuild of the Moen Lift station. Also during this time period the NOWWTP made several efforts to optimize performance to improve solids handling and control of odors, and made major repairs to the main influent line located at the intersection of Mastick Road and Shepard’s Lane (connecting the treatment plant to the collection system.)

Collection System Improvement Project 2011-2015

The City of North Olmsted completed a series of projects to address overflows caused by Inflow/Infiltration (I/I) intrusion into its sanitary sewers during intense rainfall events. The Collection System Improvements Project eliminated sanitary sewer overflows occurring within the collection system upstream of the LeBern and Dover pump stations. The project included:

  • 6,250 feet of parallel relief sewer and construction of new sewer lines, in the Walter Road & Deerfield service areas.
  • Approximately 900 feet of relief sewer along Chapel Hill Drive.
  • Rehabilitation of the 4.5 million gallon per day (MGD) LeBern pump station and the 7.9 MGD Dover pumping stations, including pump replacement, metering, and the addition of grinders.
  • Added 650,000 gallons in underground flow equalization to the Dover Pump Station.
  • Expansion of the Clague Park flow equalization to 1.5 million gallons and expansion of the Clague Park equalization pumping station, both of which are upstream of the Lebern pump station.
  • A 3-year project to renovate and rebuild the North Olmsted WWTP to meet current and future regulations, including biological removal of Nitrogen and Phosphorus.